Recent News Analysis

  1. Virginia Tech Shooting
  2. There was a shooting at the Virginia Tech University this week. There were 3 victims pronounced dead by the end of the day, including a police man and the shooter. The shooter was not a student.

    This shooting is especially meaningful after the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings and 2009 beheading of a student by a doctoral student. The motives for the gunman are unclear at this point which adds to the mystery of why Virginia Tech has become such a violent campus over the past four years.

  3. US Drone Now in Iranian Hands
  4. Iran displayed a US drone which we lost control of on their state television programs. The drone was supposedly spying on Iran's growing nuclear program; a huge concern for the United States.

    Now, Iran is declaring our use of the drone as hostility towards Iran. Iran is a dangerous military force and we do not want them on our bad side. Unfortunately, Iran has made claims that they will target all US military bases around the world.

  5. Israeli Airstrike Kills 2 Suspected Militants in Gaza
  6. An Israeli aircraft fired missles at militant facilities in the Gaza strip this past Friday. One civilian was killed and twenty-five others were injured. Israeli military is showing no signs of remorse and warned that it would continue to operate against those who would attack Israel.

    Gaza leaders are speaking out against the attacks calling them, "An unjustified escalation against Gaza." The attack ultimately continues the use of violence in the middle east.

  7. Alqaeda Claims to be Holding US Hostage
  8. Alqaeda claims that are holding Warren Weinstein hostage in Pakistan. Weinstein a 70 year old American aid worker in Pakistan. Alqaeda demands that the United States discontinues air strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. They also demand the release of all Alqaeda and Taliban suspects around the world.

    Alqaedas claims are entirely unreasonable, which may unfortunately lead to the death of Warren Weinstein.